Sunday, November 11, 2012

Map of Indonesia

Map of Indonesia

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Permai SEO Marketing Blogging Hosting Dofollow Adsense Pagerank
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Cewek Cantik and Manis Indonesia

Monday, October 1, 2012

KJRI Los Angeles

KJRI Los Angeles - What a dissapointment


 Unfortunately, it is no surprise to any Indonesian, anyone have lived in Indonesia, or familiar with Indonesian government that its bureaucracy is unnecessary complicated and ineffective.  Not to mention corrupt, but that's a whole different issue for another day.  Being the-glass-half-full kind of person, I thought the consulates are different -- better -- since they are Indonesians only government representatives in foreign countries and the officers -- being chosen to represent Indonesia abroad -- supposedly more intelligent than the average local ones in Indonesia.  Plus, being exposed to a more effective American bureaucracies, I positively presumed it might be contagious to a better work ethics.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kisah Nyata si Kampret aka si Kontol

Kacung kampret mean in indonesia?

Who is Indonesia Kacung Kampret?

Indonesia Kacung Kampret


Indonesia Kacung Kampret

Kacung kampret mean in indonesia?

Who is Indonesia Kacung Kampret?

Indonesia Kacung Kampret kerja di KJRI Los Angeles

Fanny Dapur Subarga


Fanny Dapur Subarga

Kacung kampret mean in indonesia?

Who is Indonesia Kacung Kampret?

Fanny Dapur Subarga

Indonesia Kacung Kampret kerja di KJRI Los Angeles


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Webmasters SEO Marketing Blogging Hosting Los Angeles
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Friday, August 24, 2012

Kata sapa hidup di luar negeri lebih mudah?

Hari ini nelpon rumah, ngobrol sama ibu, 1 jam lebih! Untung nelponnya pake nomor murah, sehingga tidak bakal bikin bangkrut.

Aku udah lama gak nelpon rumah soalnya, jadi gak kerasa udah numpuk ceritanya. Yang biasanya 2 minggu sekali nelpon, jadi molor sebulan sekali. Aduh, anak gak tau diuntung nih .

Ngobrol ngalur-ngidul, dari soal keluarga, dll, akhirnya ngobrolin masa depanku. Mungkin bakal sekolah lagi, setelah satu tahun mencoba-coba cari kerja dan gak dapet-dapet. Ibu juga cerita soal beberapa saudara yang sudah lulus kuliah dan belum dapat kerja juga. Kesimpulannya: di sini dan di Indonesia sama susahnya cari kerja .

Kemarin setelah dengar curhat teman yang bosan tinggal di sini setelah tinggal cukup lama tanpa pekerjaan dan berniat meninggalkan negara ini, aku jadi kuatir sendiri dengan masa depanku. Apa akan ada waktunya giliranku mencicipi dunia kerja? Aku takut akan seperti temanku yang habis kesabaran dan berniat mencoba peruntungan di tempat lain.

Banyak orang di Indonesia yang mengira kalau kita hidup di luar negeri, hidup akan lebih mudah. Salah besar! Entah mungkin aku yang terdampar di waktu dan tempat yang salah, sehingga perlu kesabaran yang besar untuk mencapai yang diinginkan? Entahlah.

Keadaan di sini sama saja dengan di Indonesia, cari kerja susah! Belum lagi masalah ras, bahasa, dll yang mempersulit usaha kita. Setelah cukup lama tinggal di Eropa, mataku terbuka kalau sebenarnya di dunia tidak ada yang sempurna. Di sini juga ada copet, ada kriminalitas, ada pengangguran, ada orang jahat, ada juga kereta yang tidak datang sesuai jadual, dll.

Mungkin negara maju cuma menang waktu dan uang sehingga bisa disebut negara maju. Menang waktu yang kumaksud yaitu mereka tidak perlu waktu untuk membangun dari nol, tidak seperti negara berkembang yang bekas jajahan dan harus mulai dari nol. Tapi setelah dilihat-lihat dan mengalami sendiri, orang-orang di sini ada juga yang brengsek dan suka mempermainkan orang.

Contoh yang sedang kualami sekarang adalah orang-orang dari IND atau badan imigrasi di sini. Ijin tinggalku yang masa berlakunya baru habis, harus diperpanjang lagi. Seharusnya mereka mengirimkan surat peringatan beberapa minggu sebelum masa berlakunya habis, eh ternyata mereka 'kelupaan' untuk mengirimkan peringatan. Setelah mengirimkan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan untuk perpanjangan, perlu waktu lama sekali, sekitar 8 minggu (bisa juga lebih ). Kita berniat ke Indonesia bulan Desember ini dan aku takutnya ijin tinggalku belum selesai juga dan itu berarti aku bakalan tidak bisa masuk lagi ke negara ini. Gegen beberapa kali menelpon mereka untuk menanyakan dokumenku, si penerima bilang dokumenku belum sampai ke meja mereka, dan memakan kurang lebih 3 minggu sebelum bisa diproses langsung. Apa yang terjadi dengan dokumenku ya? Pelayanan pos di sini tidak seburuk itu, sampai dokumen baru sampai ke tujuan 3 minggu kemudian!!!

AKhirnya sekarang kita cuma bisa menunggu surat pernyataan dari mereka bahwa dokumenku sedang diproses, untuk kemudian bisa dibawa untuk permohonan visa balik ke Belanda.

Melihat itu, aku jadi mikir, apa mendingan di Indonesia yang bisa bayar lebih untuk minta diproses lebih cepat ya? Gak papalah keluar uang lebih, asal cepat prosesnya. Paling gak ada pilihan. Lah di sini? Kalau melihat pengalaman aneh dari orang-orang di forum ini yang berkaitan dengan pelayanan imigrasi, aku jadi mau marah ke imigrasi dan kaki-tangannya. Apa sebenarnya masalah mereka ya? Malas, tidak suka orang asing dan mau mempersulit atau apa?

Yah, itu cuma satu contoh dari banyak contoh tentang hidup di sini. Mungkin yang kualami tidak dialami orang lain. Manusia punya nasibnya sendiri-sendiri ya...

Blog Indonesia

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia 67

Indonesian Indepedence day 67
Hut RI 67

Indonesia Independence Day

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Webmasters SEO Marketing Blogging Hosting Los Angeles
Webmasters SEO Marketing Blogging Hosting Los Angeles
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Webmasters SEO Marketing Blogging Hosting Dofollow Adsense Pagerank
Webmasters SEO Marketing Blogging Hosting Dofollow Adsense Pagerank
Webmasters SEO Marketing Blogging Hosting Dofollow Adsense Pagerank
Webmasters SEO Marketing Blogging Hosting Dofollow Adsense Pagerank
Webmasters SEO Marketing Blogging Hosting Dofollow Adsense Pagerank
Webmasters SEO Marketing Blogging Hosting Dofollow Adsense Pagerank
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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Masjid Al-Ikhlas KJRI Los Angeles



Silaturahmi dan saling mengingatkan untuk menjadikan kita menjadi orang-orang beriman dan bertaqwa.

General Information

Pengajian Al-Ikhlas Los Angeles, mengadakan pengajian mingguan setiap hari Sabtu Malam dan pengajian bulanan.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Congress of Indonesian Diaspora 2012


On July 6-8, 2012, Congress of Indonesian Diaspora (CID) will be held in Los Angeles Convention Center, California. This Congress will mark the history as the first grand meeting in the world ever, to be held for the Indonesian Diaspora.
The Congress of Indonesian Diaspora will be the first ever forum to bring together and harness the ideas, skills and potential of the Indonesian Diaspora worldwide. CID will allow Indonesian Diaspora- Indonesians, people of Indonesian descent, Indonesianists, i.e. people of all nationalities and ethnicities who hold Indonesia close to their hearts, and investors and companies with interests in and connections to Indonesia – from around the world to meet, interact, foster and implement concrete initiatives to empower Indonesian communities worldwide so that they can play a bigger role, especially in – but not limited to- supporting Indonesia’s economic, social and political progress.

The program will include opening and closing ceremonies presenting inspirational speakers such as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu; Minister of Education and Culture, Prof. Dr. Ir. KH. Mohammad Nuh (invited); Managing Director of the World Bank, Sri Mulyani Indrawati; international recording artist, Anggun Cipta Sasmi, President of Marvell Technology Group, Dr. Sehat Sutardja, and many other successful Indonesians from many different fields; discussions on various topics such as entrepreneurship, job creation, trade and investment opportunities, education, culture, art and science, consular affairs, and other Indonesia-related issues. CID will also present musical and cultural performances, Indonesian Batik Exhibition and Fair, a career fair as well as an Indonesian food bazaar so attendees can feel and experience Indonesia.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012



On July 6-8, 2012, Congress of Indonesian Diaspora (CID) will be held in Los Angeles Convention Center, California. This Congress will mark the history as the first grand meeting in the world ever, to be held for the Indonesian Diaspora.
The Congress of Indonesian Diaspora will be the first ever forum to bring together and harness the ideas, skills and potential of the Indonesian Diaspora worldwide. CID will allow Indonesian Diaspora- Indonesians, people of Indonesian descent, Indonesianists, i.e. people of all nationalities and ethnicities who hold Indonesia close to their hearts, and investors and companies with interests in and connections to Indonesia – from around the world to meet, interact, foster and implement concrete initiatives to empower Indonesian communities worldwide so that they can play a bigger role, especially in – but not limited to- supporting Indonesia’s economic, social and political progress.

The program will include opening and closing ceremonies presenting inspirational speakers such as Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu; Minister of Education and Culture, Prof. Dr. Ir. KH. Mohammad Nuh (invited); Managing Director of the World Bank, Sri Mulyani Indrawati; international recording artist, Anggun Cipta Sasmi, President of Marvell Technology Group, Dr. Sehat Sutardja, and many other successful Indonesians from many different fields; discussions on various topics such as entrepreneurship, job creation, trade and investment opportunities, education, culture, art and science, consular affairs, and other Indonesia-related issues. CID will also present musical and cultural performances, Indonesian Batik Exhibition and Fair, a career fair as well as an Indonesian food bazaar so attendees can feel and experience Indonesia.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Indonesians in America

Indonesians Students in America

The Obama administration wants to double the number of Indonesians studying in the United States. More than fifty American universities recently attended an education fair in Jakarta as part of a visit by a top American trade official. The United States is reaching out to fast-growing economies like Indonesia and Vietnam as new markets for American goods and services. International students put an estimated nineteen billion dollars into the American economy last year. Last June, the Obama administration set a five-year goal to increase university partnerships and student exchanges with Indonesia. The subjects include agriculture, business and information technology. Micro-scholarships will support intensive language training programs for Indonesians, and for more Americans to study there.Ambassador Scot Marciel says student exchanges create a personal basis for better relations. But he says the United States has to work harder to get more Indonesians to study in America.

He says: "We have to do a much better job of

A) marketing our universities, which are the best in the world; and
B) changing this terrible perception that you can't get a student visa.

So I'm literally almost out on the streets grabbing people as they walk by saying, Hey, we'll give you a visa if you go study in America." Ambassador Marciel says more than ninety percent of Indonesians who request a visa to study in the United States are approved. Still, the number coming to the United States has been falling since the Asian financial crisis in nineteen ninety-eight. Last year, there were fewer than seven thousand. That was a loss of about eight percent from two thousand nine. More Indonesians have been choosing to study in Australia, Singapore and Malaysia. But the United States still has many of the world's top universities and research centers. English remains a favorite subject among students from Indonesia. However, many are also choosing business and science.Education Minister Mohammad Nur says increased cultural diplomacy will help develop Indonesia and its friendships. There is a lot of history behind Indonesia's relationship with America, he says. That is why it needs to be strengthened. But the world's largest Muslim-majority nation also wants to strengthen ties with other countries and Europe.Some Indonesian students at the education fair said they are less concerned about where they study than about having enough money to pay for it.For VOA Special English, I'm Alex Villareal. You can learn more about the world everyday and learn English at the same time at You can also connect with us on Facebook and Twitter at VOA Learning English.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Congress of Indonesian Diaspora


Today, there are approximately more than 150,000 Indonesian as well as Americans of Indonesian descent living in the United States. They live, study or work in different parts of the US. They come from different ethnicities, religions, level of economy and level of education. They come with different ideas, different skills and potentials. Further, there are also many Americans and American Companies alike that have a great interest in and have a connection to Indonesia. These are Indonesian Diaspora who can be a real force to help Indonesian development and to help change for a better world. Acknowledging the potentials of Indonesian diaspora as a social and economic forces for a better Indonesia and a better world, the Indonesian Embassy in Washington, DC with the support from Indonesian Consulates in the US is organizing a Congress of Indonesian Diaspora (CID) as a forum to connect and unite Indonesian Diaspora in the US and in other parts of the world.


Congress of Indonesian Diaspora (CID) will be held on July 6th to 8th 2012 in Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, California. It will mark as a historic and very important event as it will be the first Congress of Indonesian Diaspora in the World. The event is hoped to reflect a new paradigm for millions of Indonesian diaspora across the globe.


CID aims to inspire Indonesian diaspora communities to connect and to unite themselves into one big community and create a tangible force in order to achieve a better Indonesia. Further, the event also aims to foster and implement concrete initiatives to empower Indonesian communities in the US, to support Indonesia’s economy, social and political progress, and also to strengthen US-Indonesian ties in these areas. CID will have a historical value because it will be the world's first grand meeting conducted specifically for Indonesian diaspora.


The event will feature inspirational speakers and interactive discussions on variety of topics. Some of the topics of discussions are “Connecting Indonesian Voices, Ideas and Skills to the World”; “Connecting Opportunities, Empowering Communities, Building Destinies”; “Entrepreneurship and Making Career Choices”; “Education and Scientific Literacy, Creative and Innovative Indonesia”; “Citizenship Issues: Legal Status, Dual Citizenship, Raising Diaspora Children”; “US-Indonesia Business Opportunities”; “Promoting Indonesian Culinary”; “Indonesian Students”; “Marketing of Indonesia’s Signatures”; “Immigration and Citizenship Regulations”; “Pluralism, Democracy and Good Governance for Indonesia”; “Creating Jobs and Forming Business in Indonesia”.
Some of the speakers that we are planning to invite will include Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economic Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu, Minister of National Education Muhammad Nuh, World Bank Managing Director Dr. Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Dr. Sehat Sutardja (President of Marvell Technology Group), Om Prakash Lohia (CEO and Managing Director of Indorama Group), Chaerul Tanjung (CEO of the Group) and other figures related to the topics of discussion.
As side events, there will be a food bazaar/culinary, exhibition and job fair. The CID program will also include cultural performances, art and music. These performances will be held at the opening, the Unity and Diversity concert in the second day, and at the closing session. We are also planning to invite some of Indonesian artists such as Anggun, Denada, and Afghan and also Indonesian talents who reside in the United States.
At the end of the 3 days program, a “Declaration of Indonesia Diaspora” will be read and concludes the program.
The committee will provide a pray room, first aid kit room for all participants and playground facilities/Kids Corner (restricted only at the time of the event) for participants who bring their kids.


CID invites all in the US as well as outside the US. Inspired by the spirit of Sumpah Pemuda 1928, the participants are expected to join CID, independently and voluntarily. With that spirit, the CID will foster unity and togetherness. It will bring participants with different field and expertise, who will benefit from the forum as well as contribute their idea, aspirations and potentials for a better Indonesia and a better world. Interested participants must register to participate in CID. Registration form can be downloaded here or you can register through EventBrite: Congress of Indonesian Diaspora 2012 and it is free. Three out of first 1,000 registrants will receive a souvenir from sponsors. Interested participants may also do on-site registration at the Los Angeles Convention Center on July 6, 2012.